Thursday, May 5, 2011

Students' thoughts wanted

I've been working on a book for counselling trainers for a number of years now and have finally completed it and had it accepted by a publisher - something that I'm pretty pleased about. I say "completed" but one thing I'd really like to add is some comments from people who are going through - or who have gone through - counselling training. My book covers a number of clearly identified topics - everything from Anxiety to Videoing, with Handbooks, Registers, Regulations and a good deal more in between - and I'm looking for people to give me very brief comments on their experiences relating to those topics. If you had a residential weekend what's your strongest memory of it? How do you feel about skills assessments? and so on.

I'm interested in hearing from any students (or ex students, come to that) who would like to take part, so please contact me if you'd like to. Maybe I should stress that this is not a course evaluation. Though your comments might be similar to those you might give in an evaluation the purpose here is very different - it's to help me with my book rather than to give your lecturers an insight into how they could make your course better.

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